Strategy and Vision

Centre for Maternal and Newborn Health (CMNH) Vision

As a leading, global centre of excellence for maternal and newborn health we aim


  • Improve the availability and quality of healthcare for mothers and babies
  • Contributing to a global reduction in maternal and new born mortality and morbidity and improvement in quality of life.


  • Partnering strategically with governments and global agencies
  • Designing and implementing innovative, evidence-based healthcare packages and new frameworks for the evaluation of effectiveness
  • Ensuring new evidence and lessons learnt are shared across national boundaries to inform policy and practice
  • Planning for the pro-active growth of our research, technical assistance and teaching

Centre for Maternal and Newborn Health (CMNH) strategy 2012-2017

By 2017 we want to have achieved the following outcomes:

Improving the availability of care

  •  Improve the availability and quality of healthcare for 1 million mothers and babies
  •  Increase the number of women who receive Skilled Birth Attendance by 25%
  •  Increase the availability of Emergency Obstetric Care and early Newborn Care in 80% of health facilities
  •  Increase the number of women who are recognised to need and receive Emergency Obstetric Care by 50%
  •  Reduce maternal case fatality rates and still births in health facilities by 20%
  •  Working with colleagues in 1,000 health facilities and 10 developing country settings
  • Building capacity of 10,000 health care providers, improving knowledge and skills to provide the continuum of care needed by mothers and babies.

‘Improving quality of care’

  • Design and apply a new evaluation framework to measure quality of care in 5 countries
  • Design and implement an intervention package to improve the quality of care in 5 countries
  • Facilitate the establishment of quality improvement teams in 250 healthcare facilities      

Improving measurement of effectiveness of care

  • Explore the use of maternal morbidity as a defined and measurable outcome to assess effectiveness of interventions
  • Define and establish criteria for identification of maternal morbidity
  • Design and apply a new framework for measuring the burden of maternal morbidity in 2 countries         

Become a leading centre for implementation research for MNH

  • Create a ‘production-line’ of new and innovative MNH care packages and evaluation frameworks to assess the effectiveness of these
  • Publish 20 papers in peer reviewed journals
  • Disseminate research outputs at 5 international conferences 
  • Identify and work together with excellent research partners in 10 countries
  • Train 5,000 healthcare providers in the improved collection and use of data for maternal and newborn health
  • Educate international healthcare professionals to Diploma in Reproductive Health (75), Masters (40) and PhD (5) levels

Inform global policy and practice

  • Working in partnership with governments and other policy makers to ensure that evidence-based and effective health care packages for MNH are adapted and adopted
  • Host at least 3 international dissemination meetings with high level representation from Africa and Asia
  • For each research project or programme of work, identify the key policy and practice recommendations.  
  • Publish 20 quarterly bulletins for advocacy purposes

Operate with a varied and growing Donor Plan

  • Expand funding from current donor base - Gates Foundation, DFID/UKAid, UNICEF, Johnson and Johnson and WHO
  • Diversify and attract new funding from other donors such as - NorAid, SIDA, USAID and private donors.