Sunday Adaji, MBBS, FWACS, MSc, CTM&H Measuring maternal morbidity; a survey in two low income countries.
Terry Kana MSc RGN RM PGCE Sub-Saharan Africa. Research will focus on the effect of emergency obstetric care training on midwives workload and scope of practice in Asia and sub-Sahara Africa.

Thidar Pyone, MBBS, MPH, EPH The Role of Health System Governance in Improving Maternal and New-born Health in Resource Limited Settings.
Aduragbemi Banke-Thomas Social Return on Investment on Emergency Obstetric Care Training in Low and Middle Income Countries.
Dr. Mamuda Aminu Exploring the causes of stillbirth in five (5) low- and middle-income countries with intention to develop a classification system that is best suited for use in all developing countries.
Mrs Florence Mvula Mgawadere, RGN, RM, BSc N. Edu., MPH Maternal Mortality in Rural Malawi: Reproductive Age Mortality Study. The study aims at reducing maternal deaths in rural Malawi.
Charles Ameh MBBS, MPH, DRH, FWACS (OBGYN) The effectiveness of training of health care providers in Emergency Obstetric Care and Newborn Care in Kenya